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캠프다이어리 싱가포르 말레이시아

[170725] 싱가포르&말레이시아 영어캠프 인솔교사 김예인입니다

페이지 정보

작성자 인솔교사 작성일17-07-26 06:47 조회1,793회


안녕하세요. 2017년 여름 싱가포르&말레이시아 영어캠프 박주연, 권한나, 이수민, 박소린, 손은혜, 최가영, 김민현, 한소정을 담당한 8번 빌라 인솔교사 김예인입니다.


드디어 모든 학생들이 기다리고 기다리던 액티비티인 레고랜드와 워터파크를 오늘 다녀왔습니다. 뜨거운 빛 아래에서 지칠 줄 모르며 신나게 놀이기구를 타고 물놀이를 즐기는 모습을 보니 더위가 모두 씻겨 내려가는 기분이었습니다. 아이들도 역시 더위를 날려버리고 즐긴 즐거운 하루였습니다. 레고랜드에서는 선물을 고르고 구매하며 입가에 미소가 떠나지 않았습니다. 자신에게 주는 선물 뿐 아니라 가족들을 위한 기념품을 신중하게 선택하는 모습이 귀엽고 대견한 아이들입니다. 저녁에 빌라에 돌아와서는 맛있는 저녁식사로 체력을 보충하며 그 이후에는 처음 시작하는 영어 단어 테스트와 다이어리 쓰기를 했습니다. 처음 시작하는 것임에도 불구하고 모두 매우 우수한 성적을 거두고 영어일기 또한 원하는 음악을 다 같이 들으며 재미있게 적었습니다.


오늘의 코멘트는 각자가 적은 영어일기를 올리는 방식의 코멘트를 하겠습니다. 한 글자 한 글자 열심히 영작을 하며 오늘 하루를 돌아보는 일기를 감상하시며 아이들의 하루를 학부모님들과 공유할 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.


@ 박주연 : I went to the LEGO LAND. Today was too hot and sunny. So I was annoyed. When I rode first roller coaster, it was not interesting to me. I ate pizza for lunch. It was so delicious. I went to the water park in the afternoon. It was very cool and big. We had to meet at 3:30 but I didn’t make it. Finally, I arrived at the villa. I was so tired. I hoped to take a rest but I was writing a diary. I listened “봄날(Spring Day)” and I was impressed to it.


@ 권한나 : Today, I went to the LEGO LAND. I woke up early and I was tired. The breakfast menu was a toast, fried rice and fried egg. I thought today’s menu was embarrassed to me. Anyway, I finished eating and went to the LEGO LAND. It was awesome . Most buildings was mede by lego. Also, LEGO LAND’s water park was very cool. There were many slides and they were so excited. I was exhausted when I arrived at home. I took a test and it was fun. Bye.


@ 이수민 : Today, we went to the LEGO LAND. We went to an amusement park. I was annoyed when I got to there because it was so hot. We rode a roller coaster and we went to the Pizza Mania for lunch. It was so good. Then we went to the water park. The ground was so hot and rough but water park was so interesting. We rode many slides and the pool was cooler than outside. I’m so tired now but it was so excited to me. I’ll take a shower and go to bed. I want to use my cell phone.


@ 박소린 : Today, we went to the LEGO LAND. I thought that LEGO LAND has a scary roller coaster. But it was not interesting. We were very thirsty and we drank a cock. We also had pizza that is very delicious. Next, we went to the water park. We rub on sunblock. and rode water slide. It was very interesting so I was fun and tired today.


@ 손은혜 : Today, we went to the LEGO LAND. I lost my way in the LEGO LAND but I was not embarrassed. At first, I rode a roller coaster with my friends and I went to the Tower. It was very exciting and boring. I met my friends. I was fall away from them. I went to the Pizza Mania. I ate New York Cheese cake. I broke the plate but they were very kind. The forgave me. Also, I didn’t know the way and went around. I arrived at the place to meet my teacher. I waited for my friends and I met them. We went shopping. We were kate at the meeting time.


@ 최가영 : We went to the LEGO LAND. I was so excited!! But I changed my mind because ther weather was so scorching. Next, I went to the water park for diving . I didn’t take on my shoes. The ground was a little hot and my I felt like it was hot bricks. I went to the house at 5PM and I was vert happy today.


@ 김민현 : Today, we went to the LEGO LADN. We looked around LEGO LADN and took a lot of pictures. However, LEGO LADN was not interesting to me. Because I don’t like riding a ride. And we ordered pizza, chicken, some desert, five bottles of soda and some fruit. It was cheaper then Korea and more delicious. Now, I and writing a diary. Mosquitoes attacked me yesterday and we killed them right away.


@ 류나영 : Today was so hot. So I wore shorts and ACME t-shirt. Next, I took the bus and got to the LEGO LAND. It was so amazing. I was looking forward to entering LEGO LAND and I ran into there. There were some seats and movies. We watched it and it was boring. Then, We took a roller coaster. It was very fun! Anyway, we went to the restaurant to eat some food. The restaurant had so many menu. It was made up of pizza, chicken, some fruit and ice cream. Then later, our team went to the water park. It was fun! Today, I was tired and busy but it was very meaningful to me. Our team hung around together. So I’m happy now.


@ 전유진 : Today was very hot. I had a activity. I went to the LEGO LAND and water park. First, we went to the LEGO LAND. It looked like an amusement park. We rode many rides. I ate pizza for lunch, It was so good. I also bought a toy ring for my friend and I went to the water park. Water slide was exciting. I took a rest and had a dinner. It was good. After that, I prepared English words test. I was weary buy hun today.


@ 한소정 : Today was very hot. We got up early and went to the LEGO LAND. Our first ride was STAR WRADS. It was very cool. However outside was very hot. Time has gone. We finally went to the gift shop and bought a mug cup and a key ring. Finally, We went to the water park. When I came back home and we had to take a word test. It shocked me a lot. Before that we had to have dinner. It was very delicious. Anyway, I was tired today and it was fun day.



님의 댓글

회원명: 박소린(yh0004) 작성일

안녕하세요 소린이 어머니! 소린이 인솔교사 김예인입니다. 소린이의 코멘트가 보이지 않아 놀라셨죠? 소린이의 영어일기 책을 찾을 수 없어서 늦어졌습니다. 지금 다시 업로드 했으니 확인해주시면 감사하겠습니다. 오늘도 좋은하루 되시길 바랍니다^-^

인솔교사님의 댓글

회원명: 인솔교사(2017summer) 댓글의 댓글 작성일

안녕하세요 소린이 어머니! 소린이 인솔교사 김예인입니다. 소린이의 코멘트가 보이지 않아 놀라셨죠, 소린이의 영어일기 책을 찾을 수 없어서 늦어졌습니다. 지금 다시 업로드 했으니 확인해주시면 감사하겠습니다. 오늘도 좋은하루 되시길 바랍니다^-^

님의 댓글

회원명: 박소린(yh0004) 댓글의 댓글 작성일

아~!! 선생님 안녕하세요? 방금 글 읽었습니다. 많이 감사해요~ 소린이와 우리 영흥중 아이들 잘 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.~