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캠프다이어리 싱가포르 말레이시아

[170805] 싱가포르&말레이시아 영어캠프 인솔교사 최재웅입니다.

페이지 정보

작성자 인솔교사 작성일17-08-05 22:28 조회1,286회


안녕하십니까. 인솔교사 최재웅입니다. 오늘은 싱가포르 사이언스센터와 저번에 여건이 좋지 않아 일정을 마무리하지 못했던 마리나베이샌즈쇼핑몰 투어와 가든스 베이 투어까지 마치고 돌아왔습니다. 아침 일찍 부터 식사를 부랴부랴 챙겨먹고 오늘은 시작부터 아주 순탄하게 흘러갔습니다. 국경을 넘어가는 시간도 평소보다 조금 서둘러서 아이들이 덜 힘들었다고 했고 사이언스센터도 입장시간 전에 미리 도착을 하여 아이들이 마음껏 구경하고 체험하며 즐거운 시간을 보내기에 부족함이 없었습니다. 그리고나선 마리나베이로 넘어가 시원한 마리나베이샌즈쇼핑몰에서 맛있는 식사를 각자 마음껏 했고 구경도 하며 행복한 시간을 보냈습니다. 저녁시간에 교통체증을 고려하여 조금 서둘러 숙소로 향했고 아이들을 모두 씻기고 저녁을 먹은 후에 간식시간도 가지며 오늘 하루 아무 탈 없이 즐겁고 건강하게 보냈습니다. 


금일 개인별 코멘트입니다. 

(금일 개인별 코멘트는 오늘 하루 아이들의 영어일기를 발췌하였습니다.) 


#강민 : "Science center and shopping"

Today I was very good and nice day. Because I went to science center and I saw real brain. It was very interesting and I saw many things and I went to shopping and I bought transformer robot knit. It can change dragon. So I'm very happy now. And I played robot with my friend. It is very fun.


#권혁 : "Science center and Marina bay sands"

I wake up at 5:10. I go to 359 villa. This is my restaurant. I ate rice and toast. I went science center. I saw the science work. I went Mcdonald. It's delicious. I went Marina bay sands. I bought the many things. It's very good. I went toy shop with 현석, 승윤. It was very great place.


#덕현 : "Science center and Marina bay sands"

I went science center. I see Hurk and DNA and brain. It was very fun and went Marina bay shopping mall. I bought two noodles and chicken cutlet. It was very delicious. I played games very fun. 


#승윤 : "Science center the 4th field trip"

Today, I went to the science center. I was so excited because I love science. wow. I ate lunch when I arrived at science center. I thought that I don't have to ate dinner because I ate Mcdonald set a lot. Science center was very amazed. I saw a lot of science machine. It was so fun and I loved it. After science center, I went to the shopping mall. I bought some medicine for my parent. And I bought some chocolate. It was tasty. I was so happy.


#승진 : "Science center"

Today I went a science center. I like science. My dream is to be a scientist. First I see maze is very hard. Second I see a human's real brain. It is so amazing. I like science center and It was so fun.


#주완 : "I like minecraft"

We went to science center. But, science center so fun. I was no happy. we went to marina bay. I went to 7 eleven. I was eating coke. But, I want no buy. Because I don't like toy shop and toy. But, I like minecraft. Shop sell the minecraft toy. I bought minecraft toy. I'm happy now.


#준형 : "Science center and Marina bay sands"

Today, I go to science center and Marina bay sands. First I go to the swimming pool but I can't play swimming. But It's so fun next I go to Marina bay sands. I will buy so many ramen, coke and jelly. It is so great. It's so nice day.


#현석 : "Science center"

Today I went to science center. First I ate hamburger. Why I ate hamburger? because I ate breakfast a little. I eat double cheese burger. It was very delicious. I love cheese. Next I saw many science connection tools and mirror room. I mirror amaze very hardly. Last I played VR experience. I am aviator become feeling. Today was so funny day. 


캠프가 끝나고 건강하게 집으로 돌아가는 날까지 항상 아이들을 먼저 생각하겠습니다. 

언제나 부모님들의 염려와 격려와 성원에 감사드립니다.


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