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캠프다이어리 싱가포르 말레이시아

[170805] 싱가포르&말레이시아 영어캠프 인솔교사 안경모입니다.

페이지 정보

작성자 인솔교사 작성일17-08-06 01:02 조회1,180회



희상, 준기, 산하, 승헌, 진서, 청우, 주형, 우진, 정우를 맡은 4번 빌라 인솔교사 안경모입니다.


오늘은 우리 아이들이 학수고대하는 액티비티 날이었습니다. 싱가폴 국경을 빠르게 넘고 우리 아이들에게 최대한 많은 액티비티 시간을 주기 위해 아침 일찍 서둘러 숙소를 나섰습니다. 첫 번째 목적지인 사이언스 파크의 개장 시간은 10시여서 20~30분 전에 여유롭게 도착해 입구에 맥도널드에서 다 같이 소프트 아이스크림 하나를 먹으며 더위를 식히고 약 2시간 동안 사이언스 파크를 둘러보았습니다.


신나게 사이언스 파크를 둘러본 후 맛있는 점심을 먹으러 다 같이 마리나 베이 샌즈 쇼핑몰로 향했습니다. 싱가폴 중심지의 큰 규모의 쇼핑몰로서 저번 액티비티 때 사정상 제대로 둘러보지 못해 이번에 다시 한번 방문 하게 되었습니다. 이곳에서 몇몇 아이들이 집에 돌아갈 때 부모님께 선물을 사는 장면은 저로 하여금 흐뭇한 아빠 미소를 짓게 하였습니다.


* 사이언스 센터 액티비티 

청우 : Today I went to scince center and marina bay. First I visited scince center. It was cool. I played VR. It was amazing! Then I played VR. It was amazing! Then I go to shopping. I bought ramen, chicken, and snack. Today is very good and excellent day!!


산하 : Today I went to the science center in singapore. It is very interesting. Because I like science and I eat icevream noodle. Second I went to marinabay. It was so fun.


진서 : We went to the science center in Singapore. I saw many interesting things. Then I experience army's many weapons. I escaped mirror maze. It was very excited. Lastly I bought souvenir. It is called electric pen. I will play this pen with my friends.


준기 : Today I go to the Singapore science center, inside science center is very many amazing science machine and I eat space ice cream. It's dry, wanted to drink lots of water. I was shocked because It costed 7$. I needed to save my money before.


승헌 : Today I went to the science park and shopping mall first, I watched V.R. It's very fun and cool. Second, I experience all of the space. It is good. Third, I watched plasma. This is very amazing and I went Marina Bay. But, It is near the MarinaBay Shopping mall. So I was very excited and eat lunch. Lunch is cool and good.


정우 : Today, I went to the science center. It has many different kind of experiment. First, I experienced V.R with my friend James. It was awesome! Then I experienced many experiment. Then, I go to Marina Bay. I bought gargle and cornfrake. Today, I think it is awesome day.


주형 : Today, I went to Science Center in Singapore. I went with my friend Tim. He is very good friend. It was not that fun but V.R was fun. It was hard but I had a great experiment. Next, we went to Marina Bay. I bought soap and gargle. I was very impressed.


우진 : I went to Science center. I played VR but It was not funny. There were many awesome play things. I pushed most buttons. Second, I went to Marinabay. I didn't buy many things. because most clothes in Marinabay. Tomorrow there is class again.




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