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[170807] 싱가포르&말레이시아 영어캠프 인솔교사 김보형입니다

페이지 정보

작성자 인솔교사 작성일17-08-07 22:27 조회1,225회


안녕하세요. 9번빌라 인솔교사 김보형입니다.


오늘은 열한 번째 정규수업 날 이었습니다. 평소대로 잘 일어나고 잘 먹고 수업도 잘 받으며 하루를 마쳤습니다. 말레이시아의 날씨는 거의 맑은 날이 대부분 이었지만 오늘은 아침부터 우중충한 회색 구름이 끼어있더니 오전에는 시원하게 비가 내렸습니다. 어제 굉장히 습한 날씨였던 것이 비가 한번 오고 나니 많이 선선해 진 것 같았습니다.


우산이 없이 수업을 갔던 아이들이 나올 시간이 되자 신기하게 비가 그쳐서 아이들의 옷이 젖지 않고도 이동하였습니다. 열심히 수업을 듣는 우리 아이들은 밥시간이 가까워오면 항상 배가 고프다고 합니다. 그래서인지 밥도 맛있게 잘 먹습니다. 시장이 반찬이라는 말처럼 금새 밥을 먹고는 다 같이 산책을 하러 갔습니다.


평소처럼 단어시험을 보고 잠깐의 자유시간을 가진 뒤, 내일 있을 싱가포르 어드벤처 코브로 액티비티를 위해 다들 일찍 일과를 마무리 하고 잠자리에 들었습니다.


**오늘은 아이들이 쓴 영어일기입니다



Hello teacher! I really wonder about you. Maybe you're a woman. It doesn't say anything and maybe you're a man. It doesn't say anything. Haha I want to tell you my camp men were fighting. And I have a fever. So sad. But I'm strong so I can win by bad thing.



Today is not sad and not sick. But today is just my heart is empty. Because I miss my mom. So I want to call my mom. T.T I really love my mom. So I look at my mom's picture at night. BYE BYE teacher!!



Today I guess who are you. I guessd you are a Amber teacher. Isn't you? By the way, today I had a lot of things happen. I have a paper for some of the bay and I fought with my friend, I didn't recognize that today's date is now August. I thought it was very fast. What a surprise! I only have 12 days left. Here and then I will go back to Korea. When I go back to Korea. It's 1-2. One and half year until finish and for 5 months. I'm second-grade student! I hope that I become a second-grade student quickly! By Amber teacher! Have a nice day~



Today was just a normal day and I was tired. Before summer vacation, I had no classes and go home at 5:00. But here I have 8 classes and go home at 5:00. So it means that I have to wake up earlier than regular school. The 'vacation' means to rest the studying, but they are more exhausted days. I have only 11 days to go back to Korea. I want to return to Korea very much. and I'll do many things. When I go back there. First of all I will see my family, watch my phone, read many books, eat sam geup sal(fork), kimchi ggigae, watch mu han do jeon(TV program), and finally sleep all day. By the way, you are Ember teacher? bye~



Today is a regular class day. Class is not fun. But our class mates are very funny. First class is John class. John's class is very fun. Second class is J.Y. But J.Y has cold. So class is very not fun. Third class is Germany very fun. Fourth class is Annie. Annie teacher is very kind. Fifth class is Cathy teacher. She was very angry. Sixth class is Megan teacher. Megan teacher is very very funny. Seventh class is Zak. Zak is sick. So I played with 경주 teacher very excited. Last class is Hanna. Hanna is very not funny. Today is a little bit fun!



Today is not a fun day. But another student was angry. Because of all the homeworks and the book and 3classes angry. Amber, Cloe, Mariana teacher is angry. But afterwards he smiled. He is crazy. It's my opinion. Haha. Today I read parents letter. It was very sad. But I don't crying. Today si very sad and no funny day.




Today I went to my English class. I love my English classes very much. When I go to English class. There are good teachers and good mates. That's why I love my English class everyday. My favorite book is reading. Because when I study reading, I can learn many things like science, math. I like the reading book, but I like other classes too. I want to meet my English teachers quick.



Today I continued to study, very hard. But I hardly study English. So today test I am very happy and surprised. So I scream!! I miss my family. I love you family~ I want to go home. One month is very long.... Today dinner was delicious! I wanted to eat more. Now I am tired. Good night!~



Today was not fun. Because I have a lot of homework. I'm very tired now. So I will just sleep. I can't write my diary ㅠㅠ. And I am very hungry. I but I don't have food. But!!! I will go to the shopping Mall. I'm sorry. I'm very very tired.



Today I went to the class. First is speaking! But I don't like speaking and Second class is speaking 2. I like speaking 2 class. (Teacher is very good) Third class is writing. In writing class, don't speaking Korean! Fourth class is Grammar. I like Grammar class because teacher is very fun!) and lunch time. 5th class is science. I don't like science. It was boring. 6th class is conversation class. I very like this class. 7th class is reading 1. I like it! 8th class is reading 2. I like it too. But class is very many. I'm tired.



님의 댓글

회원명: 장하늘(houci630) 작성일

우리도 모두 하늘이 보고 싶어^@^ 얼마안 남은 시간이니까 하루 하루 오늘도 홧팅!! 하늘이 올 때 ㅈ쯤 되면 엄마도 몸 좀 낳아 질 것 같은데^^

인솔교사님의 댓글

회원명: 인솔교사(2017summer) 댓글의 댓글 작성일

하늘이한테 얘기전해들었어요. 쾌차하시길 기도합니다

채정아님의 댓글

회원명: 채정아(heekuk) 작성일

정아의 얼굴을 사진으로 많이 볼 수 없어서 서운한걸~
정아야 사진 찍기 싫어도 엄마를 위해서 사진 많이 찍어서 보여주면 좋겠어~^^

인솔교사님의 댓글

회원명: 인솔교사(2017summer) 댓글의 댓글 작성일

우리정아양이 자유시간에 워낙활동반경이 넓어서 제가 못 쫓아다녔네요ㅎ정아사진 더 많이 찍도록 하겠습니다