[170726] 싱가포르&말레이시아 영어캠프 인솔교사 임동우입니다
페이지 정보
작성자 인솔교사 작성일17-07-26 23:00 조회1,561회관련링크
안녕하세요 359번방 독열,기태,용준,태연,지호,준영,상훈,창현,우영,우진,정연이를 맡은 인솔교사 임동우입니다.
어제 액티비티를 다녀오고 아이들이 피곤하긴 했지만 정규수업을 무사히 마쳤습니다. 특별한일이 없는 하루였지만 그말은 아무사고 없이 잘지냈다는 말이겠죠. 정규수업 두 번째날이라 몇친구들이 책을 잃어버리는 작은 실수들이 있었지만 모두 찾아 수업을 잘들었습니다. 점심땐 소나기가 잠시와 열기를 한껏 꺽어주는 시원한 비였습니다.
오늘은 어제 쓴 다이어리의 내용을 보여드리겠습니다. 아직 선생님들의 교정전이니 귀여게 봐주세요^^.
아래는 학생별 코멘트 입니다.
-김독열:Today I went Lego Land throgh activity time It is very awesome. It have a lot of vehicles and entertainments. So I was very exciting. In the morning I rode Roller coster and Lift. And afternoon my group moved to swimming pool. The swimming pool is very huge. So, I was surprised.^^ And I play with my friends very funny.
-권기태:Today we went to Legoland with ecme teachers. When we arrived at legoland I was very ecited first. I went to lego shop and bought lego toys with my friends. It was too hot but I stood up and then we went to swimming pool. It was meaningful day. Next time I want to go again.
-나용준:Today we went to legoland with ecme's teacher. we arrived at lego land.
I was very excited first. I went to lego shop and bought lego toys with my friends. It was too hot but stood up and then we went to swimming pool. It was meaningful day net time I want to go again.
-차태연:Today I will write about lego land. I rode roller coster. I was very funny and I was eat chiken and rice. it was ve교 delicious. I was go to the water park. I rode water slide. it was very funny but a few water slide is not funny. I hope go back to lego land.
-윤지호:Today I went legolend. Weather is very hot. So I had very tired. But,legolend is interesting and fun. I bought key chain, shirt, ice case. There are very cool and I went water park. the weather is hot, so it is cool and fun. I want to go to again. I will by lego!
-서준영:Today I will write about my activity. First time in lego land I was very nervous but 1 hour after I am very happy and comportable because my team go to restaurant. it pace is very cool so I am very comportable. Second time in water park. I rode water slide. I was wait in line that time. I was very boared but I am very riding happily.
-이상훈:Today I will about lego land. I go to lego land. I very love lego. lego is beautiful toy. lego len food is very yami. I love chicken lego lend food is chip and go to lego land fool. lego land gool is very funny. I love lego land fool food. lego land fool food is water lego land fool water is very cool. I love lego land. I hop go back next time. very happy day.
-이창현:Today I will write about Legoland. Today weather is very hot but in LegoLand shop is very cool. Im buy Legoland T-shirt and chikincurry rice chikin. Rise is very delicious Im go water park because burnd ship and tired today Lego land very fun!
-정우영:Today I went lego land and swimming pool. First I went cafe. next I went shop. I bought lego pigure. I ate lunch for chiken rcie and soft drink. las시 I tode a roller coster. I went swimming pool too. I rode a water slide. it was funny day.
-신우진: Today I went lego lend. first we go cafe and buy a juice chickend rice. Chicked rice is delicious but little salty. then we went to pigure shop and buy four pigure next we went swimming pool. and rod a silde. Silde is very fun. but weather is very hot and yet very fun.
-이정연: Today we went Lego lend. First we went cafe. We bought Juice. and chicken rice. Chicken rice was very not tasty. Next we wen shop. and bought my brothers present. So I was very happy. Next we went take a play main. Next we went swimming poll. Today I was very happy.
부모님들도 아이들 잘 지내니 걱정마시고 좋은하루 보내세요^^
님의 댓글
회원명: 이창현(2sounsin2) 작성일
창현맘입니다. 오늘은 옷을 갈아입었네요 ㅎ~
영작이 잘 맞지는 않아도 평소보다 매우 긴 뮨장을 써서 놀랐습니다.
잘돌봐주셔서 감사하고여
창현이네조는 남자아이들이라 멘트가 아주 간결하네요^^
인솔교사님의 댓글
회원명: 인솔교사(2017summer)![댓글의 댓글](https://molit.acme.kr:443/skin/board/campdiary/img/icon_reply.gif)
안녕하세요 창현이어머니^^ 창현이가 물건을 잘 잃어버리는 편이긴한대 공부열심히 하고있어요 ㅎㅎ
멘트가 짧죠 ㅋㅋ 정규수업날들은 반복된일상이라 이해 부탁드릴게요 감사합니다
님의 댓글
회원명: 윤지호(shyoon99) 작성일I really miss you HOYA~
님의 댓글
회원명: 권기태(ted003) 작성일
오늘도 안녕하세요!기태맘입니다.
중간중간 노는 날이 있어 재미있겠네요. 즐거운 시간 보내라 해주세요!!!