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캠프다이어리 싱가포르 말레이시아

[170727] 싱가포르&말레이시아 영어캠프 인솔교사 안경모입니다.

페이지 정보

작성자 인솔교사 작성일17-07-27 22:09 조회1,267회


안녕하세요! 희상, 준기, 산하, 승헌, 진서, 청우, 주형, 우진, 정우를 맡은 인솔교사 안경모입니다.


오늘은 청명한 날씨와 함께한 정규수업 셋째 날 이었습니다. 처음에는 조금은 많은 수업시간에 힘들어 하던 학생들도 점차 적응해 나가기 시작한 것 같습니다. 학생들 모두 다들 서로서로 친해지는 만큼 이젠 제가 친구들과 같이 사진을 찍자고 하여도 어색해 하지 않고 다들 카메라에 서로 찍히려 안달인 모습들을 보며 우리 아이들이 나중에 캠프 기간이 끝날 때 쯤에는 엄청 아쉬워 하겠구나하는 마음이 들었습니다.


다들 같은 빌라 친구들 뿐만 아니라 매 수업마다 이동하여 각 수업에서 만나는 친구들과도 좋은 교우 관계를 맺고 하루에도 여러 원어민 선생님들을 만나기 때문에 다양한 수업 내용을 접할 수 있기도 합니다. 그리고 오늘은 레고랜드 액티비티 날 우리아이들이 쓴 첫 영어 다이어리를 원어민 선생님들이 첨삭해주셔서 그 내용을 코멘트로 써보겠습니다.


* 정규수업 셋째 날


희상 : I went to the Lego land. I was so exciting. And I play with my favorite friends. I felt so happy. I want to visit here again someday.


준기 : It was very hot day. After Lego Land, I went in water park. I wear the swimming suit. And in the water I see block on the water. I made well, It's very enjoyable.


승헌 : Today I went to Lego land. It was very excited and was fun umm... First I rode play Lego land with my friends. Second I went to the shop and bought lego. It is very good. Quality is good. Really I love it after I came home to assemble the lego. It is very nice and good.


산하 : Visiting Legoland was very fun. I bought a lego 75183 (Darth vader transformation). I went to the water park. I was happy but I was hungry. Today's dinner was very delicious. I ate dinner and playing with Legos is delighted.


진서 : Today, We went to Lego Land. It took 40 minute to get to Lego Land. First, we rode small rollercoaster. It's not good. Because it was not scary. Next, we rode rollercoaster, that was better, bigger than first one. So it was very prickling. Then, we ate lunch. I ate brunch set. Then we went to the water park. We swam in there, I showered and come home. It was a nice day.


청우 : Today I visited Lego land. It was very cool!!! First, I visited brick shop. They had many blocks. It was amazing!! Then I went to the shop and bought Darth vader Transformation. It was a good dinner today and very good. Today I am happy.


정우 : Today, I went to the Legoland. There was many kinds of Legos when I was arrived, there was a big Lego. It means 'welcome to Legoland'. Then, I went to the water-park. It was very fun and exciting. When I go next time. I will play more.


주형 : Today, I went to Lego land. We bought many legos. I bought the star wars lego AT-ST walker. It was 149 ringer. It was 249 ringet. It was discounted. so I could buy it with ringet. Next, We went to waterpark. It was really cool and awesome. My friend steve played with me. So I was happy. It was my favorite day.


우진 : I went to the Lego Land and Water Park. I bought STAR WARS toy. I wanted to make lego, but I had to eat dinner first and wrote diary. I played in water park. I rode water slide with a tube. It was very funny because tube moved right and left, up and down. It was so fast, water was splashed. It was really good time. I can't forget this memory.


우리 아이들이 초심을 잃지 않고 끝까지 처음 계획 한 목표를 달성하고 무사히 한달 여간의 캠프를 마무리 했으면 좋겠습니다.


님의 댓글

회원명: 신승헌(sean0173) 작성일

아이들이 레고랜드 갔다온것이 많이 재미 있었나 보네요 ^^
영어로 표현도 잘하고
다들  화이팅