[170728] 싱가포르&말레이시아 영어캠프 인솔교사 김보형입니다.
페이지 정보
작성자 인솔교사 작성일17-07-28 22:04 조회1,217회관련링크
안녕하세요. 9번빌라 인솔교사 김보형입니다.
정규수업을 받는 네 번째 날이었습니다. 벌써 캠프 생활에 적응한 아이들은 아침을 먹고 수업을 들으러 갔습니다. 본격적으로 레벨별 수업이 시작되면서 아이들의 숙제도 생기고, 외울 단어도 생기면서 쉬는 시간에도 틈틈이 공부하는 학생들이 눈에 띄었습니다.
기특하게도 우리 빌라 아이들은 항상 단어장을 들고 다니며 저녁에 있을 단어시험 공부를 했습니다. 아직 매일 단어시험 보는 게 익숙하지 않은 아이들도 열심히 해보려는 모습이 얼마나 예쁘게 보이는지 모릅니다.
오후에 수학 수업까지 마친 아이들이 멀리서 풍겨오는 저녁 냄새에 흥분하며 너무 배가 고팠다며 맛있게 저녁을 먹었습니다. 하루 종일 공부하느라 머리를 많이 써서 그런지 금방 배가 고파진다고 했습니다. 매일 그림 같은 하늘에 펼쳐진 노을을 바라보며 다같이 산책을 마치고 돌아와 단어시험을 치뤘습니다.
서로 서로 물어봐주고 답해가며 열심히 외운 만큼, 단어시험이 거의 수능시험 분위기만큼 진지하게 그리고 조용하게 봅니다. 하나라도 더 맞으려고, 절대 틀리지 않겠다는 의지로 단어시험 보는 아이들을 보고 있자면 절로 얼굴에 웃음이 번집니다.
고단했을 텐데, 그래도 자신이 할 일들은 끝까지 해내고! 아이들은 내일 싱가포르 액티비티를 위해 잠자리에 들었습니다.
**오늘은 아이들이 쓴 영어일기로 코멘트를 대신합니다.
I really hate the sticky Summer. But, I am more active in Summer. Before dawn I woke up, this morning my camp friends went to the Lego land!! However, I lost my ticket. I think it is because I am not careful . So my heart advices made me think about my problem again. Today was tires and everything went well.
Today was sad day. Because of some teacher punished me. But the Lego land was so funny, so I feel good. And I rode a lego roller coaster. The lego roller coaster is so funny. So I like this ride. And I rode a dragon roller coaster. The dragon roller coaster is scared. I don't like this. Finally, I eat chicken cheese soup. The chicken cheese soup is very very delicious. Now I'm very very tired. I'm going to sleep.
Today is tired and boring day. Because all day we took a 8 hours for studying English. And we also have a vocabulary test at 8:30 p.m. In short, we study English whole day. It's too boring and go back to home. Sincerely I miss my mom very very much. I thought we can't leave without family even though it is an adult. I miss you mom and I miss you alot!
I went to Lego land with my camp mates. It was very hot and exhausted day. And I was very disappointed. Because I didn't bring my swimming suit! I just packed it, but I picked up my underwear bag. I was very embarrassed and irritated. In Legoland, there are some few roller coasters and I enjoyed, but it was too hot day to enjoy all day. Friends who went to the swimming pool said they were very fun and delighted. I was very upset and angry to myself. Inside the roller coaster, there had some legos, and I thought they are magnificant. And it is the theme of "The Lord of the Kings" Today was quite efficient day.
Today went to Legoland. But I original don't go to water park. I arrived to Legoland in 10o'clock. During about 10minute, I waited outside next to 혜인 and 정아 rode to Lego roller coaster and rode like water bike. She(정아) made Lego figure so we(예원 and 우진) waited 정아 in gift shop. We were in gift shop and we went to water park. and 혜원 and 예원 rode fun and thriller water rollar coaster. Today very very fun but very tired.
Today is very funny. Because we went to Lego land. I rode amusement park roller coasters. It's very funny. I ate pizza for lunch. I bought Lego and cup. Then I went to water park. I rode slide. It's very fun. I want to go there again. But employer sprayed to me so I was irritated.
Today I went to Lego land with acme camp mates and teachers at nine-forty five. We arrived to Lego land. First, we went to amusement park in Lego land. I rode a roller coaster. That was very fun. And then, I went to water park in Lego land. There was a wave pool in water park. I played in wave pool. I had a good time in Lego land.
Today I study English very very hard. Today I am hungry. I want to eat anything. I can eat horse. Today some two boys fight. I am very afraid the boys fight. Fight is very dangerous. I like English study. Today I study Nouns, Articles, Verb. I don't like Grammar and I like speaking.
Two days ago, I went to an Amusement park. It is Legoland. Legoland have many legos. It was so wonderful. I rode many roller coasters. I was big funny :) I bought three legos. It's very cute. A hot dog Man, superman, and spiderman. Legoland was very funny.
I went to Legoland. First, I rode a roller coaster. I rode a roller coaster is there. I buy a key ring and I ate pizza and chicken of lunch. It's delicious. I went to water park. It was very fun. I want to visit there too.
님의 댓글
회원명: 박지수(jisum) 작성일안녕하세요. 지수 몸이 많이 안좋은가요? 아님 무슨 문제가 있나요? 다른반 찍은 사진에 지수가 수업 시간에 엎드려 있는것 같아요~
인솔교사님의 댓글
회원명: 인솔교사(2017summer) 작성일어제 오전에 지수 코감기 상태가 안좋아서 병원데리고 가서 처방한 약 복용했구요. 수업시간에 계속 따뜻한 물 마시게 하고 저녁에도 에어컨 끄고 자게 했더니 오늘은 감기가 다 나았더라구요. 콧물도 안나오고 코막히는 목소리도 정상으로 돌아왔습니다. 혹 다시 몸상태 안좋아지면 다시 병원데려갈거니까 걱정마세요^^
님의 댓글
회원명: 박지수(jisum) 작성일많은 아이들 관리하느라 힘드실텔데 울지수가 번거롭고 신경쓰게 하나봐요~ 죄송하고 감사합니다~^^